Saturday, June 18, 2011

Gotta start young

Last night at Candace's art show, Alden asked if he could hang something in her show. Of course she agreed, so Alden quickly put together this gem of a drawing to be hung in the show. Later, we came to find out, it sold!

He's getting a young start to a baller and talented lifestyle.

Friday, June 17, 2011

I'm back, lets party

There is no better way to spend a day back from a long business trip than with these two party animals. Alden and I hung out with Liv all morning and then again in the evening, it was non stop action pack adventure time having fun.

Star Power

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Dad, take a picture of me so I can see how cool I look with these sun glasses on.

Well, ok...

Cool. Like cool hand Luke.


Baseball photos arrived on Saturday.

He's adorable and I really do think the photos are cute... but really? They didn't have an image of him not making a face? Haha.

Small britches HUGE thoughts

Today, we took Jes and Liv on a drive up to Tibble Fork. I taught him how to properly skip stones across the water, he got the hang of it quite well. While digging through the dirt for proper skipping stones we kept finding pieces of fishing reel, which perked his interest in fishing. He quickly decided that if he could build a fishing rod, he could catch a fish and his/her entire family, and then release them into a new lake where they could be with more sociable and friendly fish. He also decided that he would not use a hook because he didn't want to harm the fish, he has an idea about using grass and worms for bait... stay tuned. :)

I love him big time.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Baseball baseball baseball!

Lost in Translation

NEVER would have guessed that upon discovery of Karaoke, he would immediately set off to master the skill. He sang 4 songs and was pumped about it. Amazing!